Monday, February 18, 2008


Well, I finally got off my butt and reclaimed my master bedroom and bathroom. It literally took me ALL day. The kids were starting to wonder about me because I was working in my room for so long. I wouldn't even come out for dinner. But, I not only folded all the laundry, I actually put it away in the kids drawers and closets. It's amazing what things you find in the process. I can actually see my carpet and how spacious my bedroom is. AND, I have a bed. I even worked a little on my own closet. Now the kids can get dressed in their own rooms and not have to come to my room to find their clothes in the various laundry baskets that covered my floor. And I moved all the hair bands and brushes to their bathroom, not mine. I can't believe I let it go on like this for that long. I won't even admit how long it's been. If you know me well, you know I am always organized and have things put away. But, for some reason, I really let the laundry take control of my life. Hopefully now I can keep on top of it and keep my bedroom MINE (and JP's).


Savage Family said...

I love it!! Good job I am so proud of you!!!

~A~ said...

Just an unknown person who surfed by (because I'm avoiding my own laundry pile) wanted to congratulate you on the huge accomplishment.

Cara said...

I'd like to see the before pictures and the dust wiped off that exercise machine! Haha!

Robin said...

What an accomplishment! I still don't know how you keep everything clean! I have a hard enough time with just 2 kids!

Elizabeth said...

What an accomplishment!! And, I am being sincere, my laundry has been in the dryer for 4 days now. I didn't notice until Ryan had to come downstairs to get more clothes. Oops! Your room looks awesome, doesn't it feel good to not have kiddy stuff everywhere? I wish you had a before picture!

Elizabeth said...

just kidding, I read back a few entries and found the 'before' pile. That really was a huge accomplishment!

Lisa said...

Okay I only have two dogs and I have a big pile of clothes too, in my basement, what's my excuse? And I have tagged you....