I know they started school a couple of weeks ago, (actually, Mackenzie and Jacob have been in school since the end of July), but things have been crazy around here. I can't believe my little ones are in preschool for one last year. THEN KINDERGARTEN!! AHHH!!! Why does the time fly by so fast? I found a preschool that would let me teach part time so that my twinners could go for FREE, cuz heaven for bid am I paying for preschool for 2. I barely wanted to pay for one when I had the chance. That is why I taught out of my home. FREE preschool. Kelsey and Kayley absolutely love school. They get to go 3 days a week but wish it was everyday. I am glad for the breaks when I can still play with them at home. They have become the neighborhood socialites. They ride their 2-wheelers up and down the street looking for friends. One day a neighbor down the street called to say they had knocked on her door and wanted to play with her daughter. I didn't even know this neighbor had a daughter their age. They ended up playing for an hour. They have no fear and will do just about anything (except the things I ask them to do). I am having such a great time with them at home. I don't know what I am going to do when they are ALL in school!!!! I definitely will take advantage of this year with them at home.

When they are all in school, you can play with Jack. Because I know the puppy needs some attention!
HA HA, you are very funny!!! How about I give you Jack so you can have someone to play with.
I can't believe how old they are getting! Hope Mackenzie's birthday was fun! Double digits for her!
They are so cute! We had so much fun with them!!! How cool for you to be all alone for a couple hours!! I am way jealous!
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