Tuesday, September 2, 2008

16+ Meals in ONE Day!!!

I have been struggling lately with ideas for dinners. Because of my lia sophia schedule, I can be gone 2-3 times a week at night. That leaves poor JP with 4 kids and dinner. If I am really good and on top of things I will have a crock pot dinner ready for them. But, that is a rare occasion. Or, I will buy one of those Betty Crocker Dinners in a box. Now, how good and nutritional is that?? I am sure my kids, including JP, are just dying for a great home cooked meal. No wonder they like Grandmas house so much. Pizza, pancakes and cereal only last so long at our house.

So, I saw this infommerical on TV one night. It was for 30 meals in One Day. Apparently they have this system that helps you shop for, cook and freeze 30 meals all in ONE day. YEAH RIGHT!!! I can barely cook ONE meal in ONE day. I decided to buy the book/cd and give it a try. My mom was interested too, so we dedicated one day to put all the meals together. NO, we did not make 30 meals in one day, but we did manage to make 16 meals. 8 for her family and 8 for my family. Plus the dinners made so much, we might have leftovers. My mom printed all the shopping lists and recipes and brought all the food to my house. What an adventure!!! It took us 5 hours. My kids thought we were crazy. I have never cooked so much in my life. We could barely stand by the 3rd hour. But, we had a great time talking and laughing at each other. Two old women in the kitchen can be quite the comedy. The dinners will be a welcome treat to my hubby and kids when I am gone. AND, it only cost us $100 for 16 meals. So, $50 each. Cool huh??? I might do this once a month to save money and to help JP out when I am out doing my jewelry parties. Bon Apetite!!!!

Here is all the food we bought (minus the 10 lbs of chicken already cooking)!!!!!!!

Here we are after 5 hours of cooking (with our Diet Cokes of course)!!!!!!


Ryan said...

That is such a great idea! I'm sure you and mom made it fun together, it really sounds great!! I want to try it, but I don't think I have the patience to stand that long!

Ryan said...

That is me, Elizabeth, not Ryan, I am just signed in under his name....btw, he did wear red at the game and about got killed in the student section because of it. Good thing he is a big guy and can intimidate those drunk freshman.

Robin said...

That sounds like a long day! But you got some yummy meals! Wish I could have been there with you to do it! Although you look beat!

crush said...

That is awesome! Sounds so great!

stephanie said...

i found your blog last week and have had a fun time 'catching up with you'. it's great to see your family and kids!

Greg and Kimberly ... said...

You are such an inspiration! I don't know if I could handle it, good for you!! Hope you're feeling better.


Wow--that is a cool idea. I love the after picture!!

Brandi said...

Amy wow I am so impressed. That hard work will be a lifesaver. I'm glad you did it with your mom. That had to make it more fun! What a great idea. Did you have to make lots of room in your freezer for everything?

Jacquie said...

so was the food any good? Does the book tell you how to freeze the food properly? I'm thinking of buying it. Thanks!