Monday, February 23, 2009's been crazy so far!

So, I am sure you have noticed no new posts for awhile. 2009 has proven to be a crazy year so far. Nothing has been normal around here. My grandma fell ill towards the end of 2008 and wasn't given too much time to live. So first thing in January, I headed to California to say goodbye to her. She has played a big role in my life and I will never forget her for that. I am her first grandchild. We were very close. I consider her one of my closest friends and biggest examples. She has truly started a legacy for us and her family. She was a pioneer in her own time. She will never be forgotten. Two weeks after I said goodbye to her, while I was in Vegas for a lia sophia conference, she passed away. This time, the whole family headed down to California for her funeral. It was amazing to see 18 of her 21 grandchildren there in attendance from Utah, Michigan, Kansas, and California. What a tribute to her. We all love her so much. I am truly blessed to come from such a great heritage and AMAZING family!!! I took a lot of pictures from my grandmas house. The house they have lived in since 1965. We all grew up in that house and have so many great memories. Only my sibilings and cousins will understand these pictures and their memories. These are for you guys.........I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Here is Grandma and Papa with 8 of their 22(?) Great-Grandchildren!!!!!

As for February's been snowing all month and we have all been SICK!!! So, no great pictures or news to post about. Here is to a brighter, sunnier, better March!!!!!


Greg and Kimberly ... said...

I loved seeing all of the pictures, Amy. It's the little things that remind us of our loved ones, like the driveway or the stove. You've been in my prayers. Can't wait to see you this week!

Maria said...

So sorry to hear about your Grandma. I am sure she has left a great legacy - you are part of that legacy. My deepest sympathy.

David said...

You know that I got dibs on that Green Lamp! Even though someone had to pull the chain too hard and break it!

cara said...

I love all of the photos of Grandma's house. What a great idea to take pictures to remember it... I might have to steal them :) Hope you guys feel better soon!

Mike and Laura said...

I LOVE the pictures! I think I want copies of them all, too. Just looking at them brought back so many memories. Thanks for sharing! Love you!

Elizabeth said...

I love all of the pictures, I'm so glad you took them, what great memories!!! I need copies too :)

Robin said...

I had no idea you took all these pictures! Can you send them to me! I would love to have copies!

Nelson Family said...

I love the family photo! I hope you have a great 2009!

crush said...

Amy! I love the pictures! What a great idea to take them. I wish I would have taken some! Would you mind emailing them to me? How are you guys doing these days? feeling any better? Hope so. xoxo

Mom said...

What a great idea to take those pictures!! They will always be a wonderful memory for each one in our family!!