I can't believe it has been 5 years since my baby twins were born on Thanksgiving Day in 2003. What an amazing day that was in our lives. That year, we had 2 Thanksgiving Dinners (Germany's/Uncle Dan's and dessert at Turners), then the Germany Family Christmas Present Exchange in Park City and of course the annual Germany Family Christmas picture where I look amazing as always. That year we timed the picture in between my contractions. After having endured contractions all day, we left Park City at 9pm, arrived at Alta Hospital at 10pm, and tried to get an epidural in before I was screaming to push. The epidural never took before I was ready to GO.....Kelsey came shooting out with no warning at 11:45pm. Then it was a waiting game for Kayley. But, the chance of her having a different birthday helped her hurry along. Her water broke, she spun around, and we welcomed her, feet first at 11:49pm. PHEW!! Same Birthdays!!! What an amazing experience!!! I thought I would post some pix of their first 5 years. I certainly LOVE these TWO and don't know what I would do without them. They bring so much happiness and laughter to our family. Hope you all had a GREAT Thanksgiving. My Happy Holiday post will come soon!!!!!