Friday, March 21, 2008

Flashback Friday!!

I have a friend who does Flashback Fridays on her blog, so I thought I should give it a try. Flashback Friday goes all the way back to BYU-Hawaii 1993. YIKES, 15 years ago. That really dates me huh? This is my roomie, Kimberly and I. We are looking mighty fine, heading out to a school dance. Mackenzie (my 9 year old) wanted to know why my clothes were so big and baggy, hair really tall, and how come I was so skinny?? Basically my answer was, it was the 90's, and I hadn't had kids yet.........too funny and too true!!! Hopefully Kimberly will still talk to me after I have posted this lovely picture. She still is one of my greatest friends and I will never forget our time together in ya Kibim......FLAME!!!!!


Savage Family said...

I am that friend?? Ha ha!! I love your huge pony tail!! I love Flashback Fridays!!!! Yes let's plan a day!!!

Greg and Kimberly ... said...

I don't know if I am speaking to you anymore....OK, how can I stay mad at you? I am more embarrassed than anything!

We took this picture to send to a certain missionary that we had both smooched, do you remember????

Amy said...

Why must you remember EVERYTHING!!!! AND, why must you post it??? AHHHH!!!!!!!!! I totally forgot about that!!! Good times!

Cara said...

Love the pleated pants! I can't believe those were ever in style! You were so 80's!!

Elizabeth said...

Are you sure you weren't going to a costume party? Because I'm pretty positive that I wore the same thing at Halloween last year. Not even joking. Nice look!